Inter 1-0 Milan | Lautaro Martínez | Analysis

Lautaro Martínez was the best player of the match in the second leg of the Inter-Milan semi-final.

Back to goal

 We start by analysing Lautaro playing with his back to goal, as in this play in which he turns with a good first touch and gives a pass to Džeko who is free.

The Argentinian striker’s speed in his turns is one of his main characteristics, which allows him to get out of situations under pressure, having great acceleration.


His vision and creativity coupled with his good decision making gives him plenty of resources to progress the ball in situations where other players need more touches, slowing down the play.

Movements off the ball

His movement off the ball was also excellent in creating space for other team-mates, as in this one in which he drags Tomori, making the gap between center backs too big, allowing the pass.

Here drags his marker, leaving Džeko 1-on-1 and opening up the passing line for Dumfries.

One of the regions where Inter did most damage was at the back of Calabria with players attacking the space. Lautaro was also important in these plays, dropping down to receive, taking the right back out of position.

And he was also very good in his movements in the box, as in this play in which he fakes Kalulu who thought he was going to run to the far post but stopped on the edge of the box to finish Lukaku’s pass.


The combination of all these skills were seen in the Inter goal. Movement off the ball to free the flank for Gosens, a good one-two with the full-back and the movement in the box waiting for Lukaku’s assist to score the goal.

Great game from Lautaro Martinez to qualify Inter to the Champions League final.

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