Napoli 1-1 Milan | Rafael Leão’s goal | Analysis

Let’s analyse Milan’s goal to qualify to the Champions League semi-finals.


Rafael Leão

The play starts with Milan in a low block with 8 players defending. A pass from Kvaratskhelia to Ndombelé who misses the first touch, let the ball go through starting the transition. Di Lorenzo, who is close to Leão decides to move away from him when he sees the ball going towards the Portuguese, giving him the needed space to start the run, instead of pressing and forcing Leão to play with his back to goal.

Ndombelé reacts quickly, tries to recover, forcing Leão to change direction to the flank, and here comes the second mistake. Di Lorenzo, instead of positioning shaping his body to only allow Leão to go to the wing, leaves him an easy dribble thanks to his great stride with only one defender left on his route to goal.

Rrahmani loses the duel attempting a tackle, although Leão is not in a comfortable position to finish. Juan Jesus who is covering Giroud throughout the counter makes the final mistake going too deep in the box, moving away from the French striker allowing the passing line.

Great play from an unstoppable Rafael Leão.

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AnalysisChampions League